I love Girona, and I love visitors. But I am sad to see how many things that make our city different get swipped by the new times of mass tourism. Or not even tourism, just this modern thing of making all shops the same in all the world.
There are two shops in Girona I recommend you visiting before they sell the place. Both are obviously off fashion, and they owners don't seem to bother. Both are new Plaça del Vi, the City Hall:
Queviures Moriscot: two brothers will look at you very souspisiously. They are sure you are going to steal something. Half of the shop is closed to normal visitors- only for known customers. The other half is in half darkness to save money. They have an unbelivable set of wird goods, things you would never suspect they existed. Be nice and buy something.
He sells furniture made of wood, but the shop is so packed that there is barely space for him, much less for a customer- I've never seen anyone. He keep sitting there for hours and doesn't like pictures. He reminds me of a crab in a shell.